
thumb Repel

The Repel or Repellent Spray is an item introduced in Generation I. The other two versions of this item are the Super Repel and Max Repel which are more effective versions of Repel.



When this item is used, it prevents wild Pokémon with a lower level than the first Pokémon of the party from appearing for 100 steps.


Super Repel

When this item is used, it prevents wild Pokémon with a lower level than the first Pokémon of the party from appearing for 200 steps.


Max Repel

When this item is used, it prevents wild Pokémon with a lower level than the first Pokémon of the party from appearing for 250 steps.


Repel Trick

By employing a method known as the Repel trick, the item can also facilitate hunting specifically higher-leveled, potentially rare Pokémon.

It's usable on any Pokémon within an outlyingly higher level range in the spawnset of a given area. In order to execute it, one needs a Pokémon (fainted or not) positioned in the first slot that is of a higher level than every spawn but the targeted one on the map.

For example, to use the Repel Trick for Gible on the Moon where it is within a level range of 31-33, one should use a Repel while the lead Pokémon's level is in the range of 24-31. Because no other Pokémon on the Moon is higher than level 23, the Repel will winnow out every potential spawn except for Gible while the item is in effect. A level-33 lead Pokémon would work in this example as well; however, it’s inadvisable because it’d unnecessarily preclude the level-31 and -32 Gible spawns. Super and Max Repels also work for this trick, affording more steps at higher prices.

To readily find Pokémon isolatable by this method, refer to the spawn tables in the following subsections. Due to the rarities of some potentially targeted Pokémon, it may take multiple Repels to successfully encounter them.

This trick can be used in conjunction with Synchronize. By placing a fainted Pokémon with the intended Repel level in one's first slot and an unfainted Synchronize-possessor in the second slot, one can simultaneously repel lower-leveled Pokémon and use the Synchronize ability; this is because the Synchronizer is effectively treated as the lead Pokémon while the actual one is fainted.



LocationPokémonLevels Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Amity Square Buneary 21-24 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Amity Square Shroomish 21-24 Morning Day Night Rare
Berry Forest Petilil 51-56 Morning Day Rare
Breakers Beach Pinsir 30-31 Morning Day Night Rare
Burned Tower Floor 2 Meditite 21-24 Morning Day Night TwistedSpoon Rare
Cliff Cave 2F Kingler 28-32 Morning Day Night Common
Cliff Cave 2F Quagsire 28-32 Morning Night Uncommon
Crystal Cavern Meditite 32-38 Morning Day Night Rare
Dark Cave South Sandile 8-11 Morning Day Night Black Glasses Rare
Desert Lagoon Hippopotas 15-18 Morning Day Rare
Diamond Domain Main Cave Vanillite 27-31 Morning Day Night Rare
Diamond Empire West Wing Sableye 32-41 Morning Day Night Rare
Dragons Den B1F Goomy 56-60 Morning Day Night Rare
Eriyadu Sulfur Pools Metang 32-34 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
Eterna Forest Buneary 15-18 Morning Day Rare
Fiery Path Roggenrola 23-25 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Rare
Five Isle Meadow Persian 46-50 Night Common
Five Isle Meadow Pidgeotto 46-50 Morning Day Night Common
Granite Cave 1F Timburr 15-18 Morning Day Night Rare
Granite Cave B1F Axew 16-18 Morning Night Rare
Hoenn Safari Zone Area 1 Solosis 33-36 Morning Day Night Persim Berry Rare
Hoenn Safari Zone Area 2 Beldum 33-36 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
Howling Woods Foongus 23-27 Morning Day Night Tiny Mushroom Rare
Iron Island B1F R Pawniard 37-41 Night Rare
Isolated Forest Solosis 33-36 Morning Day Night Persim Berry Rare
Jura Cave Sableye 25-29 Morning Day Night Enigma Berry Rare
Lake Verity Wynaut 6-9 Morning Day Night Rare
Leev Town Vullaby 25-29 Morning Day Night Rare
Lost Cave 1F10 Yamask 49-54 Morning Day Night Rare
Love Island Happiny 23-30 Morning Oval Stone Rare
Love Island Munchlax 23-30 Day Leftovers Rare
Meteor Falls B1F 1R Deino 25-30 Morning Day Rare
Meteor Falls B1F 2R Bagon 22-27 Morning Day Night Dragon Fang Rare
Moon Gible 31-36 Morning Day Night Haban Berry Rare
Mt. Pyre Summit Meditite 27-32 Morning Day Night Rare
Mt. Silver Expert Belt Larvitar 55-59 Morning Day Night Rare
Mt. Silver Expert Belt Pupitar 55-59 Morning Day Night Rare
Mt. Silver Lower Mountainside Hitmonlee 55-58 Morning Day Night Black Belt Rare
Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside Hitmonchan 56-59 Morning Day Night Black Belt Rare
Nap Forest Shroomish 46-53 Morning Day Night Uncommon
National Park Heracross 20-24 Day Rare
Necropolis Ralts 25-29 Morning Day Night Dawn Stone Rare
North Pole Harbour Delibird 25-31 Morning Day Night Common
North Pole Harbour Marill 25-31 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Old Chateau 1F Espurr 20-22 Morning Day Night Rare
Old Chateau Dining Room Kadabra 16-20 Morning Day Night Rare
Old Chateau Dining Room Spiritomb 16-20 Morning Day Night Rare
Pal Park Croagunk 26-33 Morning Day Night Rare
Pattern Bush Heracross 21-25 Morning Day Night Rare
Petalburg Woods Cottonee 10-13 Morning Day Night Rare
Pokemon Tower Underground Litwick 17-21 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 102 Ralts 5-7 Morning Day Night TwistedSpoon Rare
Route 110 Electrike 16-19 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Route 111 Desert Sandile 25-29 Morning Day Night Black Glasses Rare
Route 111 Desert Trapinch 25-29 Morning Day Night Dragon Fang Rare
Route 113 Skarmory 24-26 Morning Day Night Sharp Beak Rare
Route 114 Skorupi 25-28 Morning Day Night Lansat Berry Rare
Route 116 Joltik 10-13 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 18 Murkrow 41-42 Morning Night Dusk Stone Rare
Route 201 Swirlix 5-7 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 205 Espurr 20-23 Morning Day Rare
Route 210 Togepi 22-26 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 213 Absol 29-33 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 216 Cubchoo 38-42 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 218 Shellos 32-35 Day Rowap Berry Rare
Route 218 Timburr 32-35 Morning Night Rare
Route 225 Fletchling 46-50 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 228 Vibrava 46-50 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 229 Durant 46-50 Morning Day Night Micle Berry Rare
Route 25 Abra 19-21 Morning Day Night TwistedSpoon Uncommon
Route 29 Minun 5-7 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 29 Plusle 5-7 Morning Rare
Route 33 Aipom 13-15 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Route 33 Heracross 13-15 Day Rare
Route 37 Gothita 21-25 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 40 Corphish 27-30 Morning Day Night Mystic Water Rare
Route 45 Gligar 48-52 Morning Day Night Razor Fang Rare
Route 46 Phanpy 7-9 Morning Leppa Berry Uncommon
Route 5 Abra 18-22 Night TwistedSpoon Uncommon
Route 5 Togepi 18-23 Morning Day Shiny Stone Rare
Route 7 Houndour 22-26 Morning Night Rare
Ruins Of Alph Smeargle 26-33 Morning Day Night Rare
Ruins Of Alph Entrance Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Interior Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Item 1 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Item 2 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Item 3 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Item 4 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Puzzle 1 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Puzzle 2 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Puzzle 3 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Ruins Of Alph Puzzle 4 Unown 10-17 Morning Day Night Common
Safari Area 1 Scyther 39-44 Morning Day Night Metal Coat Rare
Safari Area 3 Eevee 22-24 Morning Day Night Rare
Safari Johto Grass and Swamp Zone Foongus 27-30 Morning Day Night Tiny Mushroom Rare
Safari Johto Wet Zone Shuckle 27-30 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Rare
Secret Nap Area Munchlax 50-55 Morning Day Night Leftovers Rare
Serenia Village Tunnel Gible 25-28 Morning Day Night Haban Berry Rare
Sevault Canyon Larvitar 50-60 Morning Day Smooth Rock Rare
Shoal Cave Zubat 25-37 Morning Day Night Common
Sinnoh Safari Area Zone 2 Ferroseed 29-33 Day Jaboca Berry Rare
Sinnoh Safari Area Zone 4 Happiny 29-30 Morning Night Oval Stone Rare
Sinnoh Safari Area Zone 5 Venipede 29-33 Morning Night Poison Barb Rare
Three Isle Port Dunsparce 5-35 Morning Day Night Common
Trainers Valley Cave Woobat 33-35 Morning Day Night Rare
Unholy Sands Mawile 25-28 Morning Day Night Iron Ball Rare
Unholy Sands South Aron 25-27 Morning Day Night Hard Stone Rare
Unholy Sands West Pinsir 25-28 Morning Day Night Rare
Union Cave B2F Marill 11-15 Morning Day Night Oran Berry Uncommon
Unison Mountain 2F Pawniard 25-29 Morning Day Night Rare
Unison Mountain South Summit Skarmory 25-29 Morning Day Night Sharp Beak Rare
Unison Mountain Summit Buneary 43-47 Morning Day Night Chople Berry Uncommon
Unknown Place Cryogonal 55-60 Morning Day Night Never-Melt Ice Rare
Unknown Place Froslass 55-60 Morning Day Night Babiri Berry Uncommon
Valley Of Steel Eastern Peak Ferroseed 35-37 Morning Day Night Jaboca Berry Rare
Valley Of Steel Western Peak Klefki 25-29 Morning Day Light Clay Rare
Victory Road Hoenn 1F Aron 49-55 Morning Day Night Rare
Victory Road Hoenn B1F Mawile 50-54 Morning Day Night Rare
Viridian Forest Budew 8-10 Morning Day Poison Barb Uncommon
Vulcan Cove Gible 39-43 Morning Day Night Haban Berry Rare
Water Path Flabebe 45-49 Morning Day Rare
Wayward Cave Bunnelby 29-30 Morning Day Night Rare


LocationPokémonLevels Times Held Item Rarity Tier
Dark Cave South Magikarp 5-7 Morning Day Night Common
Desert Lagoon Hippopotas 15-18 Night Rare
Dragons Den Dratini 55-59 Morning Day Night Rare
Five Island Tentacruel 33-37 Morning Day Night Common
Five Isle Meadow Tentacruel 33-37 Day Common
Galeras Island East Chinchou 27-33 Morning Day Night Deep Sea Scale Common
Ghoul Swamp Haunter 26-30 Morning Day Night Common
Green Path Tentacruel 35-50 Morning Day Night Common
Icefall Back Cave Lapras 41-45 Morning Day Night Rare
Jura Cave Feebas 25-29 Morning Day Night Prism Scale Rare
Kindle Road Tentacruel 30-34 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Kindle Road Wailmer 30-34 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Lilycove City Staryu 36-42 Morning Night Uncommon
Memorial Pillar Tentacruel 31-35 Morning Day Night Common
Mountain Area Dungeon Swablu 16-22 Morning Day Night Rare
Mt. Coronet B1F Whiscash 20-25 Morning Day Night Rare
Mt. Coronet B1F Zubat 20-35 Morning Day Night Common
Murky Town Haunter 26-30 Morning Day Night Common
Nap Forest Tympole 46-50 Morning Day Night Rare
Outcast Island Tentacool 5-40 Morning Day Night Common
Outcast Island Tentacruel 35-40 Morning Day Night Common
Route 103 Shellos 5-7 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 119A Frillish 39-40 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 123 Corphish 35-39 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 123 Crawdaunt 35-39 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 134 Alomomola 37-41 Morning Day Night Rare
Route 17 Horsea 43-45 Morning Day Night Dragon Scale Common
Route 205 Golduck 14-17 Morning Day Night Common
Route 220 Qwilfish 33-38 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Route 34 Tentacruel 17-21 Morning Day Night Uncommon
Safari Johto Grass and Swamp Zone Skrelp 27-30 Morning Day Night Maranga Berry Rare
Safari Johto Wet Zone Tynamo 27-30 Morning Day Night Rare
Union Cave B2F Lapras 11-15 Morning Day Night Rare


If a Pokémon with the Synchronize ability encounters a wild Pokémon, there is a 50% chance that the game will force it to have the same Nature as the Pokémon with this Ability. Since this will enable us to increase or chances of catching a Pokémon with our desired nature, this technique is commonly used when Repel Trick-ing.

False Swipe

False Swipe is a restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP. Even if this attack is used repeatedly when the Pokémon is at 1 HP, the Pokémon will not be killed. False Swipe Pokémon with the moves Spore/Sleep Powder, and Thunder Wave/Stun Spore increase our chances of catching since status plays a major role in catching Pokémon.

If your desired Pokémon is a Ghost-Type, then you may get a Smeargle or a Golduck with the move Soak. This will turn the Pokémon into a Water type and will allow you to use False Swipe on the Ghost-type afterwards.


The Team

The team can be set up in two methods.

Fort this method, your Synchronize Pokémon has to be at the required level and place it at your first slot. It must be alive

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